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History of breed Russkiy toy
- Russian that a terrier

In the Middle Ages in territory of England the special group of the medium-sized hunting dogs who have received the name terriers was generated. They were used mainly for hunting in holes on badgers and foxes, and also for destruction of rats. The best as a fighter of rats was considered it is black-podpalyj the Manchester terrier. Later in a XVII-th century in England have received popularity of competition on destruction of rats which have remained to a XIX-th century. The best indicators in these competitions were at the small Manchester terrier differing from the ancestor in the small size. Subsequently it began to name that-terrier (English «toy» - a toy) and to consider as independent breed. Officially breed has been recognised by English club of dog breeding only in 1962.
To Russia, on one of versions, English of that-terrier has got at the time of Catherine II. In those days among Russian noblemen was fashionable to invite for the children of foreign governesses and tutors. And thus English that-terriers together with the owners got to Russian houses. Thanks to the refined noble appearance, compactness, cheerful nature and simplicity of the maintenance of that-terriers have quickly won popularity, and shortly steels of one of the most numerous breeds of decorative dogs. At exhibitions in the beginning of the XX-th century they made third of exhibited decorative dogs.

At the time of civil and the Great Patriotic War, breed almost has completely disappeared. At an exhibition 1947г. In Leningrad it has been presented only two dogs of decorative breeds and one of them was that-terrier. Since then huge work on restoration of this breed was twisted. The big contribution to restoration of this breed have brought E.F.Zharova and Landau. They collected dogs similar on тойтерьеров and by selection selection restored breed. However, the standard of this breed has undergone changes, and the received result considerably differed from English of that-terrier. Thus, the dogs, being direct ancestors modern have been received by that-terriers. To the middle of 90th years to breed the lost popularity again has come back, and in 1998 the Russian Film logic Federation had been accepted the standard of this breed.


The standard of breed Russkiy toy - Russian that a terrier




APPLICATION: the Dog - the partner.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 9 Dogs-partners. Without working tests

GENERAL VIEW: the Small, elegant dog, mobile, высоконогая, with thin skeleton and dry muscles. The sexual type морфологически is expressed poorly, however is swept brightly up in behaviour.
The IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: the Format square. The height in an elbow hardly is more than half of height in холке. A breast deep enough.
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Active, very cheerful, not cowardly and not the spiteful.
HEAD: the small
Skull: high, but not wide (the width in cheekbones does not exceed skull height), roundish at survey in a profile.
Transition from a forehead to a muzzle: accurately expressed.
Переход ото лба к морде: четко выраженный.


Nose lobe: small, black or in tone
Muzzle: dry, pointed, on length is slightly shorter than a cranial part. 

Lips: thin, dry, skintight, dark or in tone 
Jaws/teeth: small, white, a bite N, 6x6
Cheekbones: the flat.
Eyes: large enough, roundish, a bit convex, widely and directly planted, dark. Eyelids dark or in tone , a raft
but adjoining. 

Ears: Big, thin, highly planted, standing.

NECK: Long, dry, high постава, slightly bent.


Top line: smoothly falls from холки to the tail basis.
Холка: it is slightly expressed.
Back: strong, direct.
Waist: short, slightly convex.
Croup: a little roundish and inclined there is some.
Breast: deep enough, not so wide, the oval form.
Bottom line: the Stomach tightened, a groin are picked up, form the smooth and beautifully bent line from a breast to a groin.
TAIL: shortly stopped (leave 2-3 vertebras), the dog holds it cheerfully upwards. Also it is supposed and not stopped tail, preferably crescent form which is kept not below a back line.


FORWARD FINITENESSES: Harmonous and dry, at survey in front - direct and parallel.
Shovels: moderate length, are located not too наклонно.
Shoulders: on length are approximately equal to shovels. A corner  a joint approximately 105 degrees.
Elbows: are directed strictly back.
Forearms: long, direct.
Wrists: the dry.
Пясти: almost steep.
Paws: small, oval, in a lump, black or claws are directed to tone окраса, small pillows elastic, black or in tone  forward.

At survey behind - direct and parallel, are put hardly more widely lobbies. All corners of joints are expressed enough.
Hips: with the dry and developed muscles.
Shins: on length are equal to hips.
Skakatelnye joints: with sufficient corners.
Плюсны: are put vertically to the earth.
Paws: сводистые, hardly already forward, claws and small pillows black or in tone

MOVEMENTS: Free, rectilinear, fast. The silhouette of a dog differs in a statics and movement a little.
SKIN: Thin, dry, skintight to a body.


WOOL: There are two versions: sleek-haired and long-haired.
The sleek-haired: a wool short, skintight, shining, without an underfur and high temples.
The long-haired: the trunk is covered moderately long (3-5 see) by the direct or slightly wavy, adjoining wool which is not hiding natural contours of a body. A wool on a head, the forward party of finitenesses short and skintight. On finitenesses from the back party accurately expressed очесы. On all paws the extended silky wool completely hiding claws. Ears are covered by a dense and long wool in the form of a fringe. At adult dogs is more senior three years, the fringe should hide completely external edges and tips of ears. The wool on a trunk should not look tousled or too short (less than 2 sm).
ОКРАС: it is black-podpalyj, brown-podpalyj, blue-podpalyj, and also red any shade with blackness or brown touch or without them. At any окрасах are preferable more sated tone.


HEIGHT In ХОЛКЕ: dogs and суки: 20 - 28 see
WEIGHT: dogs and суки: to 3 kg.

Any deviation from the above-stated characteristics in the standard should be considered as a lack or defect depending on expressiveness degree. 
Direct bite or alveolar inclination of cutters.
Semistanding ears. If it is caused in a long-haired version by weighting by their wool it is admissible, but it is undesirable.
Nizkoposazhennyj tail. 
Presence of high temples at a short-haired version.
Unduly long or too short wool on a trunk at a long-haired version.
Small white marks on a breast and fingers.
Окрасы black, brown, blue, excessive size подпалин, and also blacked out подпалины.
The height in холке more than 28 see
Shy behaviour. 

Aggression, cowardice.
Перекус, expressed недокус, absence of a canine or more than two cutters in each of jaws.
Trailing ears.
At short-haired - high temples in a considerable quantity.
At long-haired - absence of a decorating wool on ears, курчавость. White окрас, white stains on a head, a stomach, above пясти, the big white stains on a breast and a throat, presence тигровин
Growth more than 30 see

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